
This article provides instructions for changing an invoice that has already been generated.

To fix an inaccurate invoice generated due to an error within the transaction, we recommend changing the transaction in question (e.g. an event registration fee), rather than editing only the invoice.

If you want to cancel an invoice, you can void it, thereby preserving historical information for any future audits. You can then delete the voided invoice if you don't want to preserve a record of it in your financial history.

Voiding an invoice does not automatically issue a refund to the contact. For information on issuing refunds, see Refunds.

Editing an invoice

1. Navigate to Finances.

2. Select the Invoices tab. This tab is selected by default. Locate and select the invoice from the Invoices list.

2. On the Invoice details screen, select Edit

3. On the Edit invoice details screen, make changes as needed, then click Save.

4. You can then print or email the updated invoice using the buttons at the top of the screen.

Changing a transaction will create a record in your financial history with the contact, date, invoice number, and the amount of the updated invoice.

Changing a transaction will also change your income report so that it includes the updated amount.

Voiding an invoice

1. Navigate to Finances.

2. Select the Invoices tab. This tab is selected by default. Locate and select the invoice from the Invoices list.

2. On the Invoice details screen, select Void invoice

3. You're prompted to confirm the operation, which cannot be undone. Select Void invoice to complete the action, or Cancel to back out.

Notes about voiding invoices

  • Voiding an invoice cancels the invoice without deleting it, thereby preserving historical information for any future audits.
  • When you void an invoice, any settled payments will be removed, and the corresponding payment will be unsettled. 
  • Voided invoices are not included in financial reports. A record of how and when an invoice was voided will appear in your financial history.
  • Any event registration or membership application associated with a voided invoice will not be deleted but will appear as unpaid. Notes will be added in both cases indicating that the invoice was voided.
  • When you void an invoice, the invoice amount will not be changed, but the invoice balance will be set to zero. The voided invoice will appear marked with a VOIDED stamp.
  • When you cancel an event registration, the corresponding invoice will be automatically voided.
  • Invoices for event registrations will be automatically voided if all of the following are true:
    • The payment method for the event was set to Online only.
    • The Automatically cancel registration if payment not received within 15 minutes option is enabled.
    • Payment is not completed online within 15 minutes.

Deleting an invoice

If you want to remove an invoice without preserving any historical record of the invoice, you can void it and then delete it.

WildApricot will automatically delete invoices in the following cases:

  • If you delete an event or an event registration, the corresponding invoice(s) will be automatically deleted.
  • If you delete a contact, all invoices assigned to the contact will be automatically deleted.

To manually delete a voided invoice, display the invoice details and click the Delete invoice button located at the top of the screen.

You will be asked to confirm the operation, which cannot be undone.

Once you confirm the deletion, a record of the deletion will be added to your financial history, showing the contact affected, the date, the invoice number, the amount of the invoice, and the name of the administrator who deleted it.

Deleting the invoice will remove the invoice amount from your income report. If you delete an automatically generated invoice, it will result in a transaction with no corresponding invoice.