Released on July 8, 2012

The version 4.4 release of Wild Apricot includes the following features.

Website traffic encryption

  • You can provide now secure access to your website using traffic encryption. Traffic encryption is a method of securing the transmission of information to and from a website.

Sales tax

  • You can set up sales taxes (taxes applied on top of your prices) or VAT (taxes included in your prices) and apply them to membership invoices, event invoices, and manual invoices (but not donations). You can automatically calculate taxes and show them on invoices.
  • You can also set up exceptions for different membership levels and event registration types.
  • You can generate reports summarizing or detailing the taxes billed and collected during different time periods.

Email templates

  • Wild Apricot now provides a large selection of professionally designed email templates.

Email blasts

  • You can now refine the recipient list before sending an email blast. You can add or remove individual or groups, and add recipients from saved searches.
  • An Unsubscribe link will be automatically added to the bottom of the message if the {Unsubscribe_Url} macro does not already appear in your email.
  • Email drafts are automatically saved every 10 seconds. You can save a draft yourself at any time, and choose saved drafts for email blasts.

Automatic generation and deletion of membership renewal notices

  • For each membership level, you can provide for membership renewal invoices to be automatically generated and emailed to members a specific number of days before their renewal date. You can also provide for a membership renewal notice to be automatically deleted a certain number of days after the renewal date.

Sending event reminders right away

  • For each event, you can send an email announcements or event reminders right away, whether or not it has been scheduled for automatic delivery.
  • Send now and Schedule buttons now appear below each email on the Emails page for each event.

Redesigned payment settings screen

  • The Payment settings screen has been redesigned and now reflects the current state of PayPal's payment options.
  • A PayPal Express Checkout option has been added.

Event organizers and routing of event emails

  • You can now set the designated event organizer. The event organizer is identified as the sender of event emails and will receive any replies. The event organizer also receives copies of all event emails.
  • You can also choose to send copies of event emails to other recipients (such as the event manager) according to your routing settings. If you want to route event emails, check the Copy emails according to email routing settings box. If this option is not selected, then your routing settings will be ignored for emails concerning this event.

Adding field instructions

  • You can add instructions to individual form fields explaining how to use them.

Modifying inserted pictures

  • You can modify the settings for a picture after inserting it into a web page or email. You can also remove the picture.

Other changes

  • A new Date type field can now be added to common fields, membership fields, event fields, and donation fields.
  • We have added support for the following currencies for PayPal Payments Standard: Mexican Peso, Philippine Peso, New Taiwan Dollar, Malaysian Ringgit, Turkish Lira. The last two are supported as a payment currency and a currency balance for in-country PayPal accounts only.
  • When you display a list of members, contacts, attendees, or invoices, and select one to view its details, you can now use Prev and Next buttons to scroll through other records in the list.
  • You can now replace the Wild Apricot logo that appears in the upper right corner in admin view with your own logo. Your logo will appear above a "powered by Wild Apricot" banner.
  • Pending and lapsed members now have the same access rights as public visitors in blogs and forums (cannot comment on blog posts or create or reply to forum posts) and member profiles (cannot view member-restricted content).
  • Minimum password length for public and backend forms is now 7 characters (exception: during import, administrator can set a password of any length).
  • When you display your contact list, the Advanced search page will be automatically displayed instead of the Simple search page for Professional and Enterprise plans. For Community, Group, and free plans, the last used search page (Advanced or Simple) will be displayed when you open your contact list.
  • If a level is set up with manual membership approval, a person whose membership in that level is pending cannot view or register for members-only events.
  • If an administrator changes the password for a contact, the contact will be automatically logged out from the site and will have to login again.
  • The identification information entered as part of credit card transactions (name, address, and phone number) will be copied to the Internal notes section of the payment details.
  • The Email log option is now stored under a new Emails tab, along with Email drafts and Email templates.